Personality Cult “Dilated” Out May 2nd! Preorder here:
Something Fierce “There Are No Answers”

“This is a gem of a record from start to finish – an adrenaline rush of hooks, choruses, and some of the cleverest pop writing since those BUZZCOCKS fellas picked up their guitars.” – Maximum Rock N Roll
“There Are No Answers is the heart of my 2009 soundtrack.” – Razorcake
Young kids from Houston with a rock-solid work ethic who like to tour. This band fits in perfectly on Dirtnap: it’s catchy, poppy punk that’s not really pop-punk, and rocks a little too hard to fit in with the power-pop (have we mentioned that we’re really sick of that term?) crowd. Unbelievably catchy, well written, well played (Steven “Babyface” Garcia can play the shit out of his guitar, and bassist Nikki Seven and drummer Andrew Keith are no slouches at their respective instruments, either) poppy punk with heart, brains, and hooks. Lots of hooks.
After being blown away by a stellar performance at Portland’s Plan B club back in January, we quickly came to an agreement with these guys to do a new LP in early 2010. Upon reflection, though, we realized we just couldn’t wait that long to wrap our slimy tentacles around this young band, and have decided to rush re-release their recent, self-released CD on vinyl. If there’s a catchier band in the current American punk underground, they should send us their demo! LP includes a download code!