Personality Cult “Dilated” Out May 2nd! Preorder here:
Psyched To Die “Scatter Brained”

Psyched To Die practically qualify as a New Jersey punk all-star band, being composed of ex-members of The Ergs, For Science, Hunchback and a bunch more. Forget all that, though, this sounds nothing like any of those bands. (Mikey Erg is nothing if not versatile!) Starting off as a straightforward DC-meets early Touch And Go hardcore band with lyrics about as uplifting as the name would suggest, Psyched To Die’s newer material slows it down just a bit and explores the area where punk and early hardcore intersect, kind of a cross between Dangerhouse and early Orange County hardcore. Happy-fun-time music this ain’t. This is fast, dirty, bleak and negative, but still strangely catchy. Companion piece to the recently released Year One CD (they were supposed to be released at the same time, but, you know……)