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Modern Machines “Take It, Somebody”

“Perhaps the greatest punk group in America today?” – Now Wave Zine
“More honest, true energy and heart than 90% of the bands I’ve seen this year” – Punk News
Milwaukee, WI’s Modern Machines return with their 4th CD (after a string of cassette-only releases), first for Dirtnap,
and it’s easily their best one yet! True pop smarts meets classsic upper midwestern punk inspiration filtered thru modern day basement punk
sensibilities. Husker Du meets early Replacements meets early Lemonheads (remember when they were good?) meets Dillinger 4 meets The
Figgs? While these comparisons remain fairly apt, Take It, Somebody sees the band incorporating older and more diverse influences into their
distinctive songwritingstyle, including 60’s garage rock, and even a little Americana-esque twang. Heartfelt, sincere, clever songwriting
from one of the hardest working bands in punk rock, who, by the sound of things, are only beginning to hit their stride. Oh yeah, and it was
recorded in a basement in Milwaukee for $200. What more could you possibly want?